
Stunning Photos From The Shortlist Of The Architectural Photography Awards 2018


Since its inception in 2012, with the support of the World Architecture Festival and facade and interior system manufacturer STO SE & Co, The Architectural Photography Awards coverage has moved from local trade papers to global news media.

The Awards are inclusive of both the full time professional photographer and the keen amateur. Categories range from a portfolio of an individual building to a single abstract: with a professional camera or on a mobile phone.

Images of the built world are used directly and indirectly for promoting and advertising commercial, financial, automotive and travel industries; they are not confined to architecture and property development. Nevertheless, the skill of the people who can translate the sophistication of architecture into readable and understandable two dimensions, explain and extol the character, detail and environment of a building, remains overlooked. This Award crosses continents and sectors to raise awareness of the skill and patience needed in this specialist area of photography.

Here: By Pawel Paniczko. Long Museum West Bundm. Shanghai, China

More: Architectural Photography Awards

By Shao Feng. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau. Border Crossing Facility

By He Zhenhuan. Bank of China Tower Ningbo

By B.R.S.Sreenag. Perforated Concrete Skin

By Marius Liutkevicius. Lanzarote: a place of colour and shape

By Suraj Garg. Lines and Curves

By Eugeni Pons. “Théodore Gouvy” Theatre in Freyming-Merlebach, France

By Andrew Robertson. The Portal

By JNP. Bloomberg, Vortex

By Roman Robroek. This semi-abandoned power station (Kelenfold – Budapest) is a true gem among industrial locations and was once Europe’s most advanced power station.

By Ai Qing CreatAR Images. Seashore Chapel, Located in Qinhuangdao, China, Designed by Vector Architects

By Jeff Eden. The Hive in Winter at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

By zhuwenqiao. 7 a.m. in Chongqing, the swimmers on the riverside and the world’s largest Raffles city built by safdiearchitects.

By Marco Tagliarino. This is a view of Piazza Duomo of Milan from the Arengario Balconi (Museo del 900 of the contemporary arts of Milan).

By Dirk Vonten. Castle Neuschwanstein in Winter

By Laurian Ghinitoiu. Vantablack pavillion, Pyeongchang

By Ryan Koopmans. Soviet-era Sanatorium “Sacartvelo” with stray dog and rubbish

By Brad Feinknopf. Recreation and Wellness Center, Auburn University – Auburn, Alabama

By Aldo Amoretti. Azur Arena Antibes – France – Auer Weber with Fradin Weck

By OMER KANIPAK. Children observe the visitors beneath the glass floor of the Hive installation in Kew Gardens, London designed by UK based artist Wolfgang Buttress.


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