
This 18-Year-Old Takes Mind-Blowing Photos Of Rocket Launches On Florida’s Space Coast


If you thought you had a cool job in high school, you didn’t. Meet John Kraus, a 18-year-old junior on Florida’s historic space coast whose incredible photography has been published in National Geographic and Wired magazine. When Kraus isn’t attending class, he’s busy working rocket launches at Cape Canaveral as credentialed news media.

Wait, what?

Yes, your jealousy is entirely warranted. Since Kraus was 16 he’s been rubbing shoulders with professional photographers and space journalists while SpaceX and United Launch Alliance send rockets to space.

“Living on the Space Coast my entire life, I’ve always recognized my community’s heritage as America’s premiere gateway to space, but when I started photography in early 2015 — basically on a whim — my drive to capture rocket launches greatly increased my appreciation for the immense preparation, coordination, and engineering prowess required to conduct spaceflight operations, as well as the meticulous attention to detail required to capture the perfect moment in one still frame.

My passion to tell the story of spaceflight in imagery has taken me to incredible places, such as the roof of NASA’s 525-foot-tall Vehicle Assembly Building; to New York City to work with a rocket startup company; to Colorado to meet with United Launch Alliance CEO Tory Bruno; and to historic launch sites such as LC-39A, the launchpad that sent humans to the moon,” he says.

More: John Kraus, Instagram, Facebook, Patreon h/t: observer


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Written by viralbandit

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