
This Artist “Paints” An Extraordinary 3D Portraits In Virtual Reality


Artist-painter Anna Zhilyaeva, tells us how the new medium of Virtual Reality in the field of sculpting and painting gives the possibility of infinite ways to express creativity on a three dimensional canvas, while still interacting with and keeping the observers deeply engrossed.

More: Anna Zhilyaeva, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube h/t: creativegaga

Anna combines her traditional artistic skills of painting and sculpting with computer graphics using softwares like Tilt-brush, Masterpiece and Anim VR to create a three-dimensional dynamic piece of art, which she calls ‘a painted sculpture’.

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“Chatting with summer’s elf” (Virtual reality painting) I live just a few steps from the forest. I went there thousand times, to read, to run or just for a walk… I even painted it on canvas. Nothing special: trees, leaves, lights… Summer is the time of adventures. The time to discover the new places, meet new people. And yesterday I just met her in the same forest. The blue flowers growing in her head issued an unusual fragrance. Her cute pointing ears where aware of any sounds. She stopped singing (in some strange language) and greeted me as a old friend. She has seen me many times already and could tell millions details about me. And I? I was somewhere else: already in my next step, in the next place, meeting someone else… But summer is now… Life is now… The elf is right in front of you… Be magic, do magic, feel magic… Summer is yours! #vrart #vr #vrartist #tiltbrush #volumism #3dart #Painting #virtualrealitypainting #virtualreality

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Different coloured virtual strokes create a painting, reminiscent of the impressionist style of oil paintings, revealing its hidden characteristics when viewed from different angles. Anna terms this as ‘Volumionism’.

In the present times, Anna says that design isn’t defined by form but by its creator and can be found in all walks of life. Nature was, is and will always be the most fabulous designer and the biggest inspiration.

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“Reading” Virtual reality painting As a little girl, when my mom entered in my room, she often found me on the floor in the middle of many open books. I could never choose which one to read first. So I had been reading like twenty books simultaneously: read a bit of one, then went to another one and another, until I came back to the first. Since I can remember, I’ve always been with books. In any country, in any city, I went to a libraries. When I travel, half of my backpack is filled with books, in different languages, from different centuries. I read while I’m walking. It’s very practical, just try it 😉 Especially if you are familiar with the way and you just need to go somewhere you know. So, you can take the sun, move little, study something at the same time, and look pretty strange 😀 %) but who cares… I moved many times… changed cities and countries, started from zero. But no one can steal my most precious wealth: the heritage of generations, the funny and sad stories, the knowledge. #vr #virtualreality #painting #vrart #vrartist #annadreambrush #3d #tiltbrush #virtualrealitypainting

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“The faun” Painted in Virtual Reality. The faun is a mythological creature: half human – half goat. I guess we are all combined with something. Some become more exotic like a Centaur or a Mermaid, some less. We can’t see it from the outside. We are the amalgam of mysterious qualities and defaults. We grow our Pan and Satyr, transform our body and soul, grow up, grow older. We are afraid of being sick, becoming ugly and just die. We get worried, aggressive: once we were the center of the attention, attractive, powerful, eternal and suddenly we realize that there is somebody more… brilliant, younger. We are relegated to the second plan, third, and then disappear. Some confess how terrified they are by counting their wrinkles, running out of time, worrying about what they will be 10 years from now… If they will still be needed, if they will find someone. I think the more scary is to become evil, sinister. Try to undermine others. Say nasty things to make them believe they are insignificant. The more we get older, the more we need to amalgamate with kindness, smiling, shining. Sometimes, I’ve been terrified to see the transformation of some people personality with age. Something eats them from the inside and make them forget that they still can do anything, that the limit is in their head. Continue to move, read, study, travel, invent, take pleasure and enjoy what you do. To grow in you a mysterious creature. Even if we can not see it, we can feel it. #VR #vrartist #virtualpainting #virtualrealityworld #volumism #TiltBrush #htvvive #vrart #painting #vrpainting

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Waiting (Virtual reality painting) I like to believe there’s no evil person. Some were hurt, insulted, misunderstood, unappreciated. Someone says they are stupid, another one that they have not enough talent. In a conformist society it’s easy to be discriminated, to be afraid, to do something wrong. And they’re waiting… waiting for someone to notice how they can cook, sing, draw or just exist. There are abandoned, lonely people. Nobody ask them how they are, how they feel, how they live. Often, we are the fruit of our life, the reflection of the attitude of others and the result of circumstances. And we are all waiting, hoping for something… to continue… one more year, one more life, one more dream. #virtualreality  #painting #TiltBrush #VR #vrartist #drawing

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