
“The Most Photographed Dog in Bruges” Lives On Years After His Death


In a moving display of how animals can touch our lives, people are celebrating Bruges’ most famous dog. Fidel, a yellow Labrador Retriever, was a well-known sight in the city. He could often be seen at his perch on the window sill of the Côté Canal Bed and Breakfast. He even made an appearance in the 2008 film In Bruges to the delight of fans who happily snapped his photo during their travels to the city. Recently, Fidel’s memory was paid homage to once again when Twitter user @greenanorak posted some pictures of him lounging and snoozing in the window.

Sadly, Fidel passed away in 2016 at 12 years old. After falling ill, his owner Caroline Van Langeraert told the local news that Fidel “died as we know him, with his head between his paws”. When @greenanorak updated her thread with the sad news, something beautiful began to happen. People started posting their old photos of Fidel taken throughout the years and recounting their own memories of him.

In most photos, we see Fidel during his favorite activity—napping. The pooch was often captured with his head on a pillow while taking in some sunshine and fresh air to the delight of all who saw him. In other images, we see Fidel up and alert, looking out calmly over the canal as if he was the king of his domain.

It’s beautiful to know that even though Fidel is no longer at the window, his spirit touched so many people from all over the world. For many who visited the Belgian capital, he continues to symbolize their holiday. And for those who are animal lovers, his legacy proves the lasting impression that the companions make on our lives.

People on Twitter are sharing their photos of Fidel, Bruges’ most photographed dog.

Fidel particularly loved napping in the window overlooking the canal.

Sadly, the labrador retriever passed away in 2016, but his legacy lives on through the joy he gave others.

h/t: [Bored Panda]

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