
Stock Photos from LooksLikeLisa/Shutterstock
Amidst the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19), we’ve learned a lot about washing our hands recently. However, getting kids to understand the importance of keeping extra clean during a pandemic can be tricky. If you’re struggling to teach good hygiene to the kids in your life, perhaps this video by Miami-based pre-kindergarten teacher Amanda Lorenzo will help.
Lorenzo found a visual way to show what happens to a virus when in contact with soap. She simply ground up black pepper (to represent the virus) and put it in a dish with water. She then asked one of her students to dip her finger into the pepper water to see if it moves. The class all agreed that the pepper didn’t move, but some pepper stuck to the girl’s finger. Lorenzo then asks the same girl to place her finger in soap, then place it back into the pepper water. Just like magic, the pepper quickly moved away from her finger, as if it’s scared of the soap.
The fun science experiment did the trick, and the kids in Lorenzo’s class now understand how important it is to wash their hands frequently. “The rest of the day—after everything obviously, after going to the bathroom, after we came back from lunch, before going to lunch, after going to the playground—they were like, ‘We need to wash our hands,’” reveals Lorenzo. “It was a constant thing for the rest of the day.”
Check out the video below, and if you are self-isolated with kids, why not try this at home?
Teacher Amanda Lorenzo created a visual way to explain to kids why it’s so important to wash our hands properly during the COVID-19 pandemic.
‘Why is it important to wash your hands ? pic.twitter.com/exz0Z3H5kd
— [email protected]$$ 🛡 (@24onlinee) March 13, 2020
h/t: [Neatorama]
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