
Iconic Album Covers Are Reimagined With Social Distancing in Mind


Famous Album Covers

As the novel coronavirus continues to drastically alter our daily lives, social distancing (more accurately called physical distancing) is the new normal. It’s the only way in which we will slow the spread of COVID-19 and flatten the curve to save lives and medical resources for those that need it. By living this way, it makes you look at everything in a different light. Group photos, for instance, aren’t happening right now, and to see pictures of many people standing close enough to touch each other just seems odd (and nostalgic). Los Angeles-based collective Activista plays into this idea with their aptly titled series 6 Feet Covers, in which iconic album covers have been reimagined to show what they would look like in the age of physical distancing.

The changes made in 6 Feet Covers keep the essence of the original images, but they do show dramatic alterations. The Beatles’ Abbey Road album cover, for instance, is one of the most recognizable of all time. Bandmates John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison are seen crossing the street practically on the heels of one another. But in Activista’s retelling, it’s only Harrison that remains on the crosswalk. The others are still crossing the street, but they are scattered at an appropriate distance apart.

Activista created the series as a way to raise awareness about the importance of physical distancing. “Six feet or 1.8 meters is the distance that experts recommend we keep between each other,” they write on their website. “We will rock again soon. Just remember to keep the 6 feet distance. It will save lives.”

The series 6 Feet Covers by Activista features famous album covers reimagined with social distancing (aka physical distancing) in mind.

Famous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFugees Album CoverRun DMC Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album CoversFamous Album Covers

Activista: Website | Instagram
h/t: [Adweek]

All images via Activista.

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The post Iconic Album Covers Are Reimagined With Social Distancing in Mind appeared first on My Modern Met.


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