
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs


This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs

Have you ever seen a fishing boat with so much style? Nendo design studio has transformed the Japanese fishing boat Shofukumaru into a true work of art.

h/t: fubiz

This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs

The crew of such a ship usually stays at sea for about ten months, a heavy ordeal both physically and mentally. Most of the young crew members do not come back on a second mission. It was therefore asked to create a ship that would attract young members and reduce their stress.

This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs

The ship was covered by a linear pattern that emphasizes the curve of the hull. The rest was decorated with Japanese patterns from the hull to the interior of the ship.

This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs

The design has a lot of straight lines, a shape that could remind of life ashore (straight lines of buildings, windows, screens…) which could then comfort the crew. A beautiful story proving that art is an element that can improve the confort at work.

This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs
This Modern Japanese Fishing Boat Designed With Graphic Motifs

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Written by viralbandit

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