
Artist Fills Her Sketchbook With Colorful Watercolor Studies of Nature


Watercolor Paintings by Rosie

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Artist Rosa F explores the splendid color palettes found in nature through delicate paintings. In her sketchbook, she transports us to misty mountains, lush forests, and serene plains all with her expertly crafted scenes and ethereal hues.

Rosa works primarily in acrylic inks, watercolor, and gouache. She switches her media depending on the subject matter and mood of the landscape she’s painting. Her more translucent works will possess a thoughtful and mysterious atmosphere while her opaque paintings come across as silent and still.

Perhaps the most striking element of Rosa’s sketchbooks is her elegant compositions. She lays out a number of rectangular panels that are filled with slightly different takes on one subject. While each box is lovely on its own, they look even dreamier when together and evoke the feeling of a graphic novel or series of polaroid pictures.

You can purchase prints and stickers of Rosa’s art through her Etsy shop. Keep up to date with her latest watercolor art by following her on Instagram.

Artist Rosa F fills her sketchbooks with pleasing color studies of tiny landscapes.

Watercolor Paintings by Rosie

She uses acrylic inks, and watercolor and gouache paint in her art.

Watercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieGouache Painting of Trees by Rosa F

While she’ll often create multiple studies, Rosa will paint striking singular scenes, too.

Watercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by Rosie

Plants are also painted in a similar way.

Watercolor Paintings by Rosie

Watercolor Paintings by RosieWatercolor Paintings by RosieRosa F: Etsy | Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Rosa F.

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