
Inspiring ‘Mother With a Sign’ Instagram Account Gives Great Mom Advice


Mom Holding Sign With Advice

Moms are full of great advice—some of it we remember, while other tidbits we wish we did. If you could use more mom wisdom in your life, the Instagram account @motherwithsign is a must-follow. Started by Pranav Sapra and his mom Poonam Sapra, it features Poonam’s wise words written onto signs that she holds for the camera. “It’s OK to be confused sometimes,” one reads. “We are all trying to figure out life.” Coupled with her smiling face, the posts offer encouragement for whatever you might be going through.

Poonam had been helping the people in her life long before social media. “Mom usually says, ‘let’s take things one step at a time—we’ll cross the bridge when we come to it’ pretty often, and it’s always calmed people around her a lot (especially when they are anxious and thinking about everything together),” Pranav tells My Modern Met. Inspired by the account @dudewithsign, he wanted to share content that was more meaningful, “like a parent’s advice which we ignore all the time, only to realize later that they were right all along.” Pranav correctly thought that young people would be more willing to listen to parents if it was on a platform where they spend a lot of time online. The @motherwithsign account was born, and it has grown to over 125K followers and counting.

But beyond internet fame, this project has afforded Pranav the valuable opportunity to spend more time with his mom. “It’s a blessing in disguise and everyone is thanking me for it,” he says. “On the contrary, I should be thanking everyone for the support and welcome. People are listening, I just wish they’d listen to their parents more and had a chat to iron out issues with them (of course, this requires that their parents listen too—it has to be a dialogue). I’m blessed I have such parents.”

Are you in need of some mom wisdom? Pranav Sapra and his mom Poonam Sapra started the Instagram account @motherwithsign that shares helpful advice.

Mom Holding Sign With AdviceMom Holding Sign With AdviceMom Holding Sign With AdviceMom Holding Sign With AdviceMom Holding Sign With AdviceMother With a SignMother With a SignMother With a SignMom Holding Sign With AdviceMom Holding Sign With AdviceMom Holding Sign With AdviceMother With a SignPoonam Sapra: Instagram
Pranav Sapra: Instagram

My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Pranav Sapra.

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