
Get Lost Through The Lens Of Philippe Jarrigeon

For Pin-Up magazine photographer Philippe Jarrigeon visited his home country France to portray the incredible landscaped garden of the Château de Marqueyssac. Bertrand Vernet de Marqueyssac started to develop the area in the late 17th century. It began to take its current shape in 1860 when the later owner, Julien de Cervel, planted countless numbers of boxwood trees. Nowadays the garden holds over 150.000 shrubs cut to extraordinary geometric forms. Since it is open to public, you can walk along a path for more than 5 kilometers.

Jarrigeon’s photo series of the boxwood path shows the interaction of nature and human being. Next to the trimmed bushes stand some naturally grown trees. The garden is surrounded by woods as well. By watching the castle’s forest scenery in the background and the meticulously shaped boxwoods, observers can marvel at the versatility of nature. While contrasting natural trees with the well-groomed parts of the French garden, Jarrigeon shows the ability of humankind to both control and deform nature. However, because of their number and size, the plants seem to embrace the visitors. They appear to be tiny compared to the tremendous dimensions of the garden.

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Paul Gisbrecht

Siam Discovery • Bangkok, Thailand