
Many women fear finding their first gray hairs and turn to hair dye in order to hide their silver strands. While doing this gives them more control over color, it begins a cycle of getting their hair dyed every month or six weeks. But as hairstylist and colorist Jack Martin shows, gray locks look fabulous. On his Instagram, he shares amazing before-and-after shots of his clients who chose to stop coloring their hair black, brown, red, or blonde and instead rock a full-gray hairstyle. The results will change your mind about how you think of silver hair.
Some transformations are more dramatic than others. The most striking ones occur when women arrive at the salon with their gray roots growing out into brightly colored hair. Martin uses his skills as a colorist to match their roots and then paints the rest of their hair with different facets of gray (some highlights, some darker tones). By the end of the session, the tired ends are cut off and the hair is styled into layered bobs and elegant, past-the-shoulder length looks.
“It’s time to break the stereotype of gray hair related to being old,” Martin tells My Modern Met. “Gray hair is as attractive as any other color on the color wheel. Women are beautiful no matter what color hair they wear, beauty is about how confident and smart you are more than what you wear.” He has never advised a client to go gray; instead, he simply shares the hairstyles of others as powerful examples of what’s possible. “For most of the transformations, I have clients saying, ‘Wow Jack I wish I had done this a long time ago,’” he says. “Some of them tear up from happiness. It’s a very mixed happy feeling.”
Hairstylist and colorist Jack Martin shows amazing transformations of women who ditch coloring and instead opt to let their gray hair shine.
Jack Martin Salon: Website | Instagram | Facebook
My Modern Met granted permission to feature photos by Jack Martin.
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