
Graphic Art Between Renaissance And Modernity


The French artist Benedicte Piccolillo, graphic designer and street artist, is the talent concealed powering Voglio Bene. Dependent in Mauguio, South of France, she produces from “coups de Coeur” that she may well have experienced on aged paintings from masters. Originally a photographer, the artist is self-taught in digital graphic generation.

“I can fall in adore with a piece from the Center Ages as nicely as a Mannerist painting. My most loved time period remains the Renaissance, specifically Italian, but also Spanish. It is full of religious paintings, each individual a person far more gorgeous than the following, which maintains and delights my spiritual sidem” she points out.

Depuis quelques années, Bénédicte s’intéresse de furthermore en as well as à l’histoire de l’art et veut donner une dimension moreover culturelle à son travail. “French castles and museums are commencing to be seduced and to strategy me in order to launch collaborations”, she additional.

Far more: Benedicte Piccolillo, Instagram h/t: fubiz

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Written by viralbandit

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