
Spectacular Winning Photos Of Bird Photographer Of The Year 2021


‘Blocked’ by Alejandro Prieto. Overall Winner and Bird Photographer of the Year 2021

Here are the winners of Bird Photographer of the Year 2021. Photographers in this major international competition battled for the £5,000 grand prize, with the image of a roadrunner at the Mexico-USA border wall chosen as the Overall Winner.

With over 22,000 images entered into the competition this year, Bird Photographer of the Year is pleased to present our winners. Celebrating bird life from around the world, these images comprise some of the most incredible bird photos in the world taken by talented photographers.

More: Bird Photographer Of The Year, Instagram, Facebook h/t: 121clicks

‘Morning Lek’ by Levi Fitze. Young Bird Photographer of the Year 2021

Best Portfolio Winner by Kevin Morgans

‘Underwater Portrait’ by Felipe Foncueva (Gold)

‘Sing Heartily’ by Maofeng Shen (Silver)

Night Hunter by Jonas Classon (Bronze)

Birds in the Environment: ‘Claiming the Forest Floor’ by Joshua Galicki (Silver)

Birds in the Environment: ‘Yellow-billed Oxpecker with Cape Buffalo’ by Barbara Fleming (Bronze)

Attention to Detail: ‘Disappearing’ by Rafael Armada (Gold)

Attention to Detail: ‘Growing Up’ by Raymond Hennessy (Silver)

Attention to Detail: ‘Blue Flames’ by Kerry Wu (Bronze)

Bird Behaviour: ‘Floral Bathtub’ by Mousam Ray (Gold)

Bird Behaviour: ‘The Face of Death’ by Massimiliano Apollo (Silver)

Bird Behaviour: ‘Entangled’ by Julie Halliday (Bronze)

Birds in Flight: ‘Thirsty’ by Tzahi Finkelstein (Gold)

Birds in Flight: ‘The Art of Motion’ by Nicolas Reusens (Silver)

Birds in Flight: ‘First Come First Served’ by Hannes Lochner (Bronze)

Black and White: ‘Chinstrap Penguin’ by Renato Granieri (Gold)

Black and White: ‘Feather Light’ by James Rogerson (Silver)

Black and White: ‘Sur Les Roches Bretonnes’ by Nathalie Chanteau (Bronze)

Urban Birds: ‘Dipper on Shopping Trolley’ by Terry Whittaker (Gold)

Urban Birds: ‘Lockdown’ by William Steel (Silver)

Urban Birds: ‘The Guardians’ by Paolo Crocetta (Bronze)

Creative Imagery: ‘Sprats and Bread’ by Ruediger Schulz (Gold)

Creative Imagery: ‘Funnel’ by Kathryn Cooper (Silver)

Creative Imagery: ‘Cranes, Trains and Automobile’ by Ruth Hughes (Bronze)

Conservation Award: ‘Sentinels’ by Carla Rhodes, USA

9-13 years: ‘In the Woodland’ by Andrés L. Domínguez Blanco (Gold)

8 and under: ‘I See You’ by Deeksha Sambath (Gold)

Highly Commended: Aguti Antonio – AGGRESSION (Best Portrait)

Highly Commended: Brad James – MORNING BREATH (Best Portrait)

Highly Commended: Ben Cranke – THE BLIZZARD (Birds in the Environment)

Highly Commended: Ben Hall – BACKLIT BEAUTY (Birds in the Environment)

Highly Commended: Basileo Stanislao – WAITING FOR PREY (Birds in the Environment)

Highly Commended: Gábor Li – A PEEK INTO THE NIGHT (Birds in the Environment)

Highly Commended: Zakariya Omran – GOLDEN WAVES (Birds in the Environment)

Highly Commended: Gábor Li – LONELY DEPTH (Birds in the Environment)

Highly Commended: Li Ying Lou – LOVE CALL (Bird Behaviour)

Highly Commended: Brian Matthews – FEEDING TIME (Bird Behaviour)

Highly Commended: José-Elías Rodríguez – OVER A THISTLE FOREST (Birds in Flight)

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