From Justin Heister, a Florida-based entrepreneur and artist, creator of outstanding Zero Fucks Coins & I Survived Coronavirus 2020 Coin. Keep calm and Don’t Give A Fuck!
More: Kickstarter, Zero Fucks Coins, Instagram
This Kickstarter project offers TWO new badass coins! And a ton of AWESOME stretch goals!
The first is a large 39mm/1oz. coin to keep in your pocket and serve as a reminder to let cooler heads prevail, and in case you forgot, that you truly DON’T GIVE A FUCK!
The other is a 1.073″ coin (available in Bronze or Antiqued Silver colors) meant to hand out to thick-skulled mouth-breathers who need a reminder of how many fucks you actually give… None!
Each of these “IDGAF” Coins is 1.54″ (39mm) in diameter (approximately the same as a Silver Dollar) and .116″ thick (3mm), and weighs in at a solid 1oz. These coins are an extremely high quality mint and are akin to a traditional military challenge coin (noticeably larger and heavier than our other regular coins).
Each of the “No Fucks” coins is 1.073″ in diameter and 0.08″ thick. If you are familiar with our regular Zero Fucks/Middle Finger Coins (or Flying Fucks, Shits, Rat’s Asses, etc.), they are the same size and weight as those. They are noticeably larger, thicker, and significantly heavier than a US Quarter.
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