
Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck


I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck

From Justin Heister, a Florida-based entrepreneur and artist, creator of outstanding Zero Fucks Coins & I Survived Coronavirus 2020 Coin. Keep calm and Don’t Give A Fuck!

More: Kickstarter, Zero Fucks Coins, Instagram

I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck

This Kickstarter project offers TWO new badass coins! And a ton of AWESOME stretch goals!

The first is a large 39mm/1oz. coin to keep in your pocket and serve as a reminder to let cooler heads prevail, and in case you forgot, that you truly DON’T GIVE A FUCK!

I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck

The other is a 1.073″ coin (available in Bronze or Antiqued Silver colors) meant to hand out to thick-skulled mouth-breathers who need a reminder of how many fucks you actually give… None!

I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck

Each of these “IDGAF” Coins is 1.54″ (39mm) in diameter (approximately the same as a Silver Dollar) and .116″ thick (3mm), and weighs in at a solid 1oz. These coins are an extremely high quality mint and are akin to a traditional military challenge coin (noticeably larger and heavier than our other regular coins).

I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck

Each of the “No Fucks” coins is 1.073″ in diameter and 0.08″ thick. If you are familiar with our regular Zero Fucks/Middle Finger Coins (or Flying Fucks, Shits, Rat’s Asses, etc.), they are the same size and weight as those. They are noticeably larger, thicker, and significantly heavier than a US Quarter.

I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck
I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck
I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck
I Don't Give a Fuck Reminder Coin & No Fucks Coins: Badass Coins to Remind Yourself to Keep Calm and Not Give a Fuck

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