
Delfino Lozano’s Impressive Casa A690 Mixes Mediterranean And Mexican Architecture Together


The geometric dwelling has a variety of interesting aspects that comprise its aesthetic: a rectangular volume with courtyards slotted within it, curved and circular windows, and linear staircases that cut through the walls and ceiling of the home. The Mediterranean features focus on materiality: wood, concrete, and stone. Modernism lives on through an architectural trend very much in fashion: double-height spaces that provide much natural light and ventilation. Mexican facets include the multiple interior courtyards, exterior walls rendered white, and the flat rooftop covered in terracotta tiles; implemented for their ability to stay cool in the heat. “The rooftops become usable terraces, and architectural elements such as the stairs turn into a sculpture,” explains Lozano. Inside the home, living spaces feature gray concrete walls, contrasted against dark wood interiors including furniture, benches, floors, and built-in cabinets.


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