
Eva Zar Reminds Us To ‘Take Self Care’

As part of a residency with Studio Vortex in the French city of Arles, artist and fashion photographer Eva Zar created a series of images that demonstrate and celebrate practicing self care.

Following the same approach as in previous works, Zar photographs with intimacy and playful composition. ‘Take Self Care’ emerges as a self portrait study, but also a lesson in attending to personal needs and desires. As a self-proclaimed lover of fruit and inappropriate daily life details, the photographer shows herself “It’s nice to be by yourself. Imagine the mystical place you would like to be right now.”eating fresh strawberries by the coast of Marseille and laying in a bath on her phone. Her choice of locations, particularly those that surround her with water, enhance the message of simple, primitive pleasures that often constitute the ritual of self care. The use of a candle and a phone switched to front camera are not so much props but symbolic devices, documented to remind of a body’s necessity to receive self love. With this in mind, Zar leaves a word of advice: “Close your eyes. Forget the stress. Not kidding.”

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