
‘Genova – I Tuoi Colori’ By Niels Schubert

Advertising and art photographer Niels Schubert lives in Stuttgart in the south west of Germany. Besides his successful work as a commercial photographer, he always had an interest in the artistic discussion about space and territory.

His series titled ‘Genova – i tuoi colori’ shows the public space along the beaches of the Ligurian capital Genoa, its design and conversion and the use of it by its visitors. The artist started his project during a trip across Italy in 2014, when he had a stopover in Genoa. Fascinated by the beach life, he found many scenes for his art project. The pictures are characterized by the grey color of the chalk rock or the cast concrete which are spread across the coast of Genoa. Every image exhibits a different character, featuring abstract, constructive or impressionistic traits. Besides the tourists lying at the beach, Niels’ pictures stand out due to the colorful sunshades and towels. The atmosphere halts between sober documentation and melancholic consideration.

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