
Incredibly Realistic Sculptures Of People Who Lived Thousands Of Years Ago By Oscar Nilsson


Oscar Nilsson is a Swedish sculptor and archaeologist who specializes in reconstructing faces. In one of his recent projects, he used his skills to hand-sculpt the faces of a handful of people who lived hundreds, some even thousands, of years ago using their excavated bones as a reference, giving us a unique glimpse of how those people might have looked like.

More: Oscar Nilsson, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube h/t: demilked

The remains of this Wari woman, nicknamed Huarmey Queen, were discovered by Polish archeologists in the north-west of Peru back in 2012 along with 57 other noblewomen.

Oscar opened a company called O.D. Nilssons in the mid-90s that collaborates with various museums to help restore the faces of people whose remains were discovered during archaeological excavations. The artist says the human face and all of its details never ceases to fascinate him.

A Young Woman Who Lived In The Stone Age About 5500 Years Ago

“And all the faces I reconstruct are unique. They are all individuals,” he writes.

Estrid Sigfastdotter was most likely a rich woman who lived in the XI century AD near Stockholm.

This young man, named Adelaziy Elbakhusom (Adelasius Ebalchus) by the researchers, lived in Switzerland in the VIII century AD.

The remains of this Neanderthal woman were discovered in Gibraltar all the way back in 1848. She most likely lived about 45-50,000 years ago.

This Swedish Viking lived sometime around the beginning of the XI century. He died at the age of 45.

This man lived about 5,500 years ago, was aged 25 to 40 years old, and, judging by the analysis of his skeleton, was of a rather slender build.

This 18-year-old girl, nicknamed Avgi, lived in modern-day Greece at 7000 years before Christ.

A Man Who Lived In Britain In The Saxon Era

This Iron Age man from Britain lived about 2,400 years ago. He was well-built but, sadly, died aged between 24 and 31 years old.

Birger Jarl was the ruler of Sweden from 1248 until his death on Oct. 1, 1266, in Västergötland, Sweden.

The remains of this woman suggest that she worked hard physical labor during her lifetime and died being between 25 and 35 years old.

This malnourished and anemic man lived about 3,700 years ago and died being between 25 and 35 years old.

The Medieval Middle-Aged Man From The Middle Of Sweden Is Finished

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