
Mammal Photographer Of The Year 2020 Contest Gives Top Prize To Urban Fox Photo


A curious fox, a posing seal and a rolling hare are just some of the winning pics from amateur photo competition, Mammal Photographer of the Year.

Roger Cox/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020

This snap of a daring fox on a car windscreen won the main prize. It was taken by Roger Cox from London and it’s called Foxhall Zafira after the Vauxhall car the fox had jumped onto! Roger says the animal often jumps on cars to find wild cherries which have dropped from the trees.

“I took this picture…when it jumped up on my car to investigate if there was anything of interest for it, as I’d seen it do several times before,” he said.

More: Mammal Photographer Of The Year

Mammal Comedian Award winner: Grey Seal by Philip Ryan. (Photo by Philip Ryan/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Elusive Mammal Category winner: Breaching Common Dolphin by Dan Lettice. (Photo by Dan Lettice/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Young Mammal Photographer of the Year, aged 14 and under category winner: Grey Squirrel Peeking by Dylan Jenkins. (Photo by Dylan Jenkins/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Mammal Photographer of the Year Runner Up: Rolling Mountain Hare by Kate MacRae. (Photo by Kate MacRae/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Highly commended: Otter by Sam Llewellyn. (Photo by Sam Llewellyn/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Highly commended: Red Fox by Becca Fulcher. (Photo by Becca Fulcher/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Highly commended: Bottlenose Dolphin by Charlie Phillips. (Photo by Charlie Phillips/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

Highly commended: Mountain Hare Cairngorms by Sorcha Lewis. (Photo by Sorcha Lewis/Mammal Photographer of the Year 2020)

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