
Marina Senabre’s Minimalist Home In The Menorcan Countryside


“The house is presented as a conversation between two architectural pieces,” explains Senabre. The larger volume, rectangular in form, houses the kitchen, dining, and living areas, while the smaller unit with its gabled roof, “acts as an auxiliary pavilion.” This features a guest room and a small indoor pool, with space to contemplate the picturesque countryside. There is a clear contrast between the home’s pure white geometry and the surrounding rolling hills, as the architect describes: “It settles on the landscape in a respectful way, integrating and standing out at the same time.” Large glass windows enable the natural views to be “like works of art.” The warm and minimal interior also represents this sense of duality, with pared-back features complementing one another, including bright white walls, pale floors, natural woodwork, and simple, tasteful furnishings.


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