
Photographer Documents Chickens, And They All Look Like Supermodels


Matteo Tranchellini is a professional photographer and he first got fascinated by the beauty of chickens while looking for a Concincina as a pet for his studio garden in Milan. In 2013 he met a farmer named Giorgio who invited him to an aviary exhibition, and that was the day he fell in love with the beauty of these magnificent and underrated birds.

His friend Moreno joined Matteo on this extraordinary journey of photography and they managed to take so many pictures of these magnificent chickens that now they are publishing a whole photo album dedicated to these birds. Who knew there were so many beautiful chickens all around the world? Well, according to Matteo and Moreno it feels like chickens had been waiting for their moment in the spotlight. Check out these supermodel birds below!

More: Instagrtam, Kickstarter, Matteo Tranchellini h/t: boredpanda, demilked

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Written by viralbandit

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