According to Guillaume Prugniel Jechoux, a french photographer based in Berlin: “A few years ago, biking around with a friend during a warm summer afternoon, we found an abandoned factory. Of course, we got inside. Little did I know, that it was the beginning of a still going love story with forgotten places!
I used to photograph them during daylight, but eventually, I needed to do something different. Also, I am definitely not a morning person, and waking up at 4 am to travel for a very remote place is difficult… So I started going at night!
I developed a passion for light and colors. In those images, I like to have a human presence, either lost in the composition, either fully engaged in the story. Mostly, I explore with friends, but sometimes I have to be on my own. Whenever necessary, I become a character in the photo.
Those images require a little bit of gear. From one pocket light to several speedlights, depending on what I brought in my backpack, I need to adapt my image. Other constraints show up on location.
For instance, in the image “Reactor Core”, I was standing at 15 meters up on a platform, and my friend went downstairs to be the model, and to set some of the lights. There was so much echo we could not communicate just by talking! We had to make a phone call and speak softly.
Using a lot of light can be an issue in some places in which you should be a bit sneaky. For “Mission to Mars”, we worked in the middle of the night to avoid being seen. The speedlights flashing was strong, but everyone was sleeping at this time! I still have many things to explore with this serie, it is definitely only the beginning.
Abandoned places can be dangerous and it is good to first take a look during the day if possible. Even if you know the area, during the night it’s important to be extra careful about where you walk! When you go exploring, always bring a reliable friend, or at least tell someone where you are and when you will give news.”
More: Guillaume Prugniel Jechoux, Instagram h/t: boredpanda
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