
Sidewalk Kintsukuroi By Rachel Sussman

Titled Sidewalk Kintsukuroi, the ongoing project of Brooklyn based artist Rachel Sussman brings the Japanese art of Kintsugi to the streets of Soho and Williamsburg in New York City.

Kintsukuroi is the ancient Japanese art of fixing broken or cracked pottery with a lacquer dusted or mixed powdered gold. Inspired by this Japanese practice of ceramic repair, Sussman has taken to the streets to complete cracked pavement by infilling its fractured lines with gold pigment. Her studies comprise photographs that have been hand-painted with enamel and metallic dust, while in-ground installations are made with tree sap-based resin and a combination of bronze and 23.5 carat gold dust. Her project brings attention to the imperceptible changes that take place over time in the world around us. Expanding on the belief that something beautiful can be made from something broken, sussman’s installations create beauty from decay.

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