The company is now in its third year of operation, is a trademark of Berlin Glassworks, the public access glass studio that provides classes, workshops, and residency programs dedicated to sharing the skill of glass making. Berlin Glassworks was founded by Nadania Idriss and is Berlin’s first hot-glass studio; Weber joined the company in 2018 and together they founded Analog. “We’re not just a lighting brand, we are also a studio that makes commissioned work for artists, and we offer classes too—there’s a real community that has grown out of this process of collaboration.” Weber explains that the company’s namesake references the definition of the word relating to human involvement, as opposed to when we do things with technology, like an old film camera versus a digital one. “With the name, we wanted to bring a special focus to the craft, and question its relevance in this digital, industrial world we live in,” he says.
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