
The Superb Synthwave Inspired Artworks in Dark Neon by Maximilian Auer


According to Maximilian, a electronic artist primarily based in Ludwigsburg, Germany: “This is my personal exploration in digital artwork. Heavily inspired by synthwwave & songs in common, I goal to capture fleeting, considerably dreamlike, nighttime times, which could be just all around the corner but still truly feel miles away.

Transporting feelings of nostalgia and longing for a little something distant and nevertheless near, like a memory that arrives back again up to your head, is at the main of what I attempt to reach with each individual new artwork I produce.

I am energized to consider on new problems and generate unique, significant worlds & visuals. Allow it be graphics, animations, shortfilms or songs films.”

Extra: Maximilian Auer, Retric Desires, Instagram, SuperRare, MakersPlace

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Written by viralbandit

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