
These Illustrations Show What’s Wrong With The Modern Society


Coronavirus Depression

According to Daniel Garcia: “Have you ever stopped to think about the world and its problems or why things are this way or not? I’m sure you have.

My name is Daniel Garcia, and I’m a professional illustrator working regularly with several publications and companies in more than 20 countries. Mostly I do conceptual work, where it’s important to have a strong idea and create an illustration that explains quickly and visually things from politics to culture, technology to the environment. While society can be fair and unfair in many ways, in the end, it’s just talking about people and their issues and asking difficult questions.

I’m always producing new stuff, and after the success of my previous posts on Bored Panda, I’ve decided to show you another selection of my best works to show some of the problems afflicting the world.

So what about you? What are your questions? Do these illustrations make you think or they don’t do anything for you? Please let me know!”

More: Daniel Garcia, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

Expensive Medicine

“The main goal of my illustrations is first to cause a reaction in the viewer, but most importantly, to make the person think about the different issues depicted and ask themselves difficult questions. They don’t have to agree with it, but if it can inspire some people or some change, it’s already a win!”

The Shadow On The Wall

“I studied architecture, but I decided to follow my passion and become an illustrator/cartoonist. I’m a self-learned artist, I had no formal training so it was (and it’s still) a long process of discovering and improving myself and my work. As a child, I was an avid reader of comic books, especially European ones. Visual storytelling has always fascinated me and I got into art naturally. I started drawing for fun and it developed over the years into working professionally as an illustrator.”

Violence Against Transgender

“Mostly, I do conceptual work for different publications, where it’s important to create an illustration that explains quickly and visually an idea. Sometimes the concept comes to me immediately, but sometimes it takes a few long hard thinking days.”


“I cover many things from politics to culture, technology to the environment. While society can be fair and unfair in many ways, in the end, it’s just talking about people and their issues. My style is realistic and based on a traditional illustration with digital coloring. And my humor is around 50cm long, 5kg, orange fur… no wait, that’s my cat.”

Time To Save The Earth Is Running Out

“I started working professionally in 2014 and nowadays I collaborate with several publications and companies in more than 20 countries. I don’t know how long I’ll be doing it but as long as I love what I do, I’ll keep going forward.”

Birth Of A Fascist

“People usually think art is a matter of talent. It’s not. Practicing every day for years and loving it is what makes you better. But if you don’t love it enough or if you are not persistent, you’ll end up quitting sooner or later.”

Mending The Flag

“You can’t fix all the problems in the world, but creating a fairer, better society and better living conditions for everyone is possible. All the rights we have today had to be fought for in the past. Remember that and do your part!”

Vaccinate Vs. Not Vaccinate

Love Thy Neighbour

Student Debt


Is The World Sick?

China It Control

Social Media Divides People

The Recycling Myth

Smartphone Security

Vitamin D

United We Stand

Racism In Healthcare

Climate Change (In Our Hands)

Bloodland: Israel vs. Palestine

Sustainable Makeup

Miles To Go

Eat Healthy

It’s A Man’s World

Children Food Policies

Economy Chess

Killer Tourism

Modern Protesters

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Written by viralbandit

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