Canadian artist Marie-Claude Marquis gives a new meaning to antique second-hand plates with witty typographical interventions. Often irreverent and full of trending pop culture references, her one-liners address and poke fun at our society in the digital age, sexuality, religion, consumerism, and mental health. The subjects she tackles spiced up with a humorous approach make her work bold and controversial.
More: Marie-Claude Marquis, Instagram, Facebook, Shop h/t: boredpanda
The artist is inspired by souvenirs, nostalgia, pop culture, and her own emotions, which she expresses with a feminine touch and a colorful sensitivity. Marie-Claude brings a new life and soul to the antique objects she finds while thrifting. The variety of her finds is amazing—from rich golden details, beautiful and delicate floral designs to old detailed paintings—it’s a vintage lover’s dream.
She started making plates in 2014 for an installation in an art show. She was going through a breakup and decided to paint parts of her journal on fragile vintage plates. Since then, her gallery artwork has evolved beyond that and she also creates humorous embroideries and her own line of conceptual home goods, which is up for sale.
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