
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art


Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art

With the ever-growing issue of having art censored across many social media platforms, one artist is using his dot art to make some questionable images more palatable to general audiences.

Typically painting only with dots, pointillist JoKa decided to use his art to rally against the powers that be which take down art containing nudity, mistaking it for forms of pornography as opposed to artistic expressions.

“The watering down and censoring of something as universal as the human body is counterproductive to the enrichment of the arts, and even though I am covering up that form, its natural beauty is still able to shine through.” – JoKa

More: JoKa, Instagram, Facebook

Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art
Vintage Nudes Censored with Dot Art

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