This Illustration Is Going To Lose Me Some Followers
There are a lot of issues in today’s society. Addiction to social media, devaluation of workers, unhealthy lifestyles, and that’s just a few of them. A lot of us don’t even notice these problems; we either ignore them or don’t run into them at all. However, artist John Holcroft tackles them head-on and illustrates the issues of today’s world in his satirical and honest art.
More: John Holcroft, Instagram, Facebook, Shop h/t: boredpanda
Illustration About Mental Health At A Time Of Social Isolation
John (previously) has been illustrating since 1996. He works and lives in the UK. His past clients include Guardian, Telegraph, Times, BBC, and many others. John Holcroft’s art looks simplistic, but it hides a deep and complicated meaning. It’s pretty amazing how he can portray such serious topics with one simple illustration.
One Day This Will Be Yours
John shares what issues in today’s world he is most passionate about: “I’m not more passionate about issues than anyone else; however, I don’t like injustices of any kind so I usually focus my concepts on the things most people care about, such as corporate greed, climate change, and politics. If I had the power to change the world I would try to put an end to corrupt governments and corporate giants having control. I would make sure money is put in the right places, i.e.: tackling climate change and I would have a fairer system that cares for ordinary people.”
Enough Said
A Piece About The Fight Against Climate Change
Social Media Can Have A Negative Influence On Teenagers’ Self Esteem, Giving Them A False Impression Of How A Body Should Look
Climate Emergency And How We Are Dealing With It
Profiting From The Causes Of Climate Change
Love Hurts
Making Money
Housing Magazine Article About Asylum Seekers Being Evicted And Having The Locks Changed
The Cost Of Pharmaceuticals
Online Fraud
Liar Liar
Ladder Of Privilege
Going Nowhere
Working From Home In Self Isolation
Illustration About Testing For A Vaccine For Covid-19
About Identity Theft
Virus In The Works
Ladder Of Success
Healthcare Bureaucracy
Piece About Microaggressions
Illustration About Internet Security
Phishing Email Scams On The Increase During Lockdown
Illustration About People Coping Financially During The Pandemic
This Is About Screen Time And How Too Much Can Affect Children’s Physical And Mental Health
Illustration About The Cost Of The Virus
This Is About Saving For Retirement
What Can We Do To Safeguard Our Economies From The Virus?
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