
You Won’t Believe The Mindblowing Metal Sculptures Created By The ‘Weld Queen’ Of Russia


Alexandra Ivleva, a Russian welder and metal designer, tears down gender stereotypes when she turns on her soldering iron and welding mask.

With a wardrobe of special dresses for welding, Alexandra doesn’t sacrifice her femininity: for example, combining traditional Russian dress with a welding mask in kokoshnik-style; as well as a night dress and an angel suit – all made of non-metallic material, of course. The 32-year-old woman has already been successfully working at this traditional masculine craft for several years.

Alexandra’s mind has been working overtime to generate new ideas for sculptures and other projects. She particularly enjoys creating rocking chairs of various shapes, calling them interactive sculptures. Her works are less likely to be seen in exhibition halls, and most likely found in parks, where they are used as benches, swings, and etc.

More: Alexandra Ivleva h/t: rbth


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