
People Are Using Real Fruit Slices as a Quirky “Watermelon Dress” for Summer

Watermelon Dress

Photo: @iamtheknees

In the midst of summer heatwaves, few things are as refreshing as biting into a juicy watermelon. The cut fruit is often on the menu at cookouts, but it turns out there’s more than one way to enjoy this tasty treat. Thanks to a charming summer trend, people are creating optical illusion dresses out of real watermelon and rocking them appropriately—without ever trying them on. It’s all made possible with a clever photography trick and some strategically cut (or eaten) slices.

Fruit fashionistas who are trying this quirky illusion do so with the help of a friend. The person who wants to “wear” the dress stands off in the distance while the other person holds a slice of watermelon up to the wearer’s midsection. They then point and shoot their camera. Scale is an important part of this process; to work, the fruit has to appear closer to the lens while the person in the distance looks smaller. This is what creates the optical illusion dress.

Because all you need is a buddy and piece of watermelon, this fun summer activity is something you can try now. People have been doing it throughout the summer and posting the results using the hashtag #watermelondress. Though the idea is simple, it’s easy to customize with the shape of the fruit—so strike a pose and have fun!

People are turning a staple of summer cookouts into a charming optical illusion trend.

Called a watermelon dress, fashionistas are “wearing” a piece of the juicy fruit.

Watermelon Optical Illusion Dress

Photo: @emmapelliet

You just need a slice of watermelon and a buddy to make this optical illusion dress.

Watermelon Dresses

Photo: @nikkiq

Best Optical Illusions

Photo: @aokishiori4

Watermelon Dresses

Photo: @valsecchiila

Watermelon Dress

Photo: @39saku_chan

And it’s not just women who are having fun with it. Kids get involved too…

Watermelon Dresses

Photo: @glutton_maa

Watermelon Dresses

Photo: @cecikorea

Watermelon Dress

Photo: @ujuholic

…and don’t forget guys!

h/t: [Hello Giggles, SoraNews24]

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The post People Are Using Real Fruit Slices as a Quirky “Watermelon Dress” for Summer appeared first on My Modern Met.

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