Humans aren’t the only ones that get to enjoy pool parties. Bird baths also encourage these sorts of enthusiastic gatherings—splashing and all. Backyard nature store Wild Wings, which specializes in fountains and feed, captured this delightful video of a massive hummingbird bath. In less than a minute of footage, it shows 30 of the winged creatures enjoying the refreshing cool of bubbling water.
As hummingbirds flutter into the scene, each has their own particular bathing style. Many choose to stay and relax in one place, while others have a more hyperactive personality. These high-strung birds take a quick dip and then, just as fast, are out of the water again. Because the video is so short, it’s worth watching a few times to observe how each of the individual hummingbirds interact with the pool—it’s fascinating.
While it’s not unusual to see one or two birds in a bath at a time, Wild Wings notes this particular sight is an anomaly; hummingbirds can be territorial, and the tranquility seen here doesn’t last. They write, “You’d never know they will be harassing each other in five minutes’ time.”
Wild Wings has this special hummingbird bird bath for sale, and it’s designed to suit the specific tastes of the species. If you’re interested in creating your own avian pool party, let Wild Wings know via their website.
Hummingbirds can have pool parties, too! This hummingbird bird bath was recently host to 30 of the winged creatures:
Wild Wings: Website | Facebook | YouTube
h/t: [Laughing Squid]
Animated GIF via Wild Wings.
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The post 30 Hummingbirds Gather in Bird Bath for a Mini Pool Party Ritual appeared first on My Modern Met.
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