
Boston Seaport Gets Colorful New Sculptures Thanks to Artist Okuda


Okuda - Boston Seaport Public Sculptures

Spanish street artist Okuda San Miguel has brought more color to the streets of Boston with his largest public art project to date.  Air Sea Land is an installation composed of seven large-scale permanent sculptures that have transformed the Boston Seaport with their kaleidoscope of colors.

Ranging between eight feet and twelve feet tall, the artworks were installed on alternate medians along Seaport Boulevard, creating an art corridor that brightens the urban landscape. Using his signature geometric forms to build up three-dimensional characters, Okuda drew from mythological figures as well as local wildlife to pull together the series of striking sculptures.

“Art must be present in public spaces constantly and my mission is to transform these spaces in a way that further enhances the passerby’s experience,” the Spanish artist shares. “I aim at creating vibrant places that are filled with color and positivity. I want people to stop looking at the pavement and start looking up and around.”

Through Okuda’s work, we are reminded of the tangible beings that thrive from the co-existence of different elements. This positive message, one that carries through much of the artist’s work, is a push for viewers to ponder their own place in the world and the marvel at the fantastical creatures born from nature.

The project was curated by JustKids, which has previously brought Okuda’s work to other parts of the United States, in collaboration with property developer WS Development. The Boston Seaport has set up a special virtual tour of Air Sea Land, which gives insight into each individual sculpture.

Air Sea Land is Spanish artist Okuda’s largest public art installation yet.

Boston Public Art by OkudaOkuda - Boston Seaport Public SculpturesBoston Public Art by OkudaOkuda - Boston Seaport Public Sculptures

Seven large-scale sculptures by the artist have been permanently installed in the Boston Seaport.

Boston Public Art by OkudaBoston Public Art by OkudaBoston Public Art by OkudaOkuda - Boston Seaport Public Sculptures

Okuda San Miguel: Website | Instagram | Facebook

My Modern Met granted permission to use photos by JustKids.

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