
Hairless Hamster Wears a Cozy Handmade Sweater After Caretakers Notice Her Shivering

One of the best things about colder temperatures (besides pumpkin-spiced drinks and the sound of rustling leaves) is putting on a warm, cozy sweater. No one understands this luxury more than Silky, a hairless hamster who was recently brought to the Oregon Humane Society (OHS) when her family had to move and could no longer care for her. The adorable little rodent is one year old and hairless by birth. “While she isn’t fluffy like a normal hamster, she is just as cuddly and playful as any other hamster,” Diana Gabaldon of OHS wrote in a blog post. “She does need to be kept in a heated environment, especially during the winter, and have a higher protein diet to keep her warm.” 

Even with the extra heat and food, an observant OHS Animal Care Technician named Selene Mejia noticed that Silky would shiver frequently and huddle herself into the corner of her cage. Mejia decided to crochet a tiny sweater to help warm up the quivering hamster, and it was a perfect fit! Mejia says that the sweater is for “special occasions” only, like Silky’s upcoming adoption. After a small treatment to a minor eye infection, the adorable little critter is ready to find a new family. In the meantime, Silky keeps her body temperature up by running on her wheel, eating protein, and dreaming about her new forever home.

As it turns out, Silky was able to wear her sweater sooner than anyone could have expected. Over the weekend, Matthew Sears of SE Portland, came across Silky’s story online. He had just lost his beloved cat and was in need of a new cuddly friend. Luckily, his timing was excellent as Silky had just been labeled as “healthy” and adoptable. When he laid eyes on her, Sears knew she was the pet for him. After all, they have baldness in common. “There’s Daddy!” Sears told OHS he could imagine Silky saying upon seeing him. He took her home that day with her cage, her protein-rich food, and, of course, her fashionable fleece. “It was the best $5 I’ve ever spent,” Sears shared with The Oregonian. “She’s a star.”

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