
Japanese Artist Creates Real Life Magic Book That Glows from Within


Glowing Magic Book by Uka Ohashi

Fantasy fans will know that an enchanted spell book is a powerful tool that can hold the arcane secrets of mythical worlds. Whether you believe in magic or not, it’s hard to avoid the allure of a magic book, full of glowing pages, riddles, mystery, and folktales. Although the image of these bewitching volumes often only reside in the imagination, Japanese experimental artist Uka Ohashi has conjured her own real life version, featuring letters that illuminate as you turn the pages.

The art and design student created her extraordinary magic book as part of a class assignment based on a novel that she wrote. The concept was to incorporate glowing letters throughout the book that shine brighter as the reader gets closer to the “dazzling conclusion.” Ohashi cut out each Japanese character using a laser cutter before binding the pages together into a book with an LED strip glued to the spine. When activated, the LED light shines through the cutouts, creating the illusion of the magical, glowing characters.

You can see more of Ohashi’s artwork on her website and Twitter.

Japanese experimental artist Uka Ohashi has created her own real-life magic book, featuring letters that illuminate as you turn the pages.

Watch as the laser cutter precisely renders each character.

Uka Ohashi: Website | Twitter
h/t: [Odditycentral]

All images via Uka Ohashi.

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