
Pet Owners Are Sharing Photos of Their Dogs Doing Homework


“My dog ate my homework” is a classic (but not very believable) excuse if you’ve ever failed to hand in a school assignment on time. However, it’s unfair to let our fluffy friends take the blame. And if this Twitter conversation is anything to go by, dogs are the ones who are actually trying to help us get our work done on time. Legal scholar and historian at Wake Forest Law school Marie-Amélie George recently asked her students to send her photos of their dogs doing classwork, and the results are brilliant.

George posted a photo of an adorable pup sitting up attentively, “reading” a book, with the caption, “I ask my students to send me photos of their dogs doing class work. It’s an under-appreciated photography genre.” Soon, the Twitter thread started filling up with photos of all sorts of studious pups. Some have their heads in books, others are wearing glasses (it makes them look smart), and others are captured taking a short study nap. Even cats are pictured cramming—but let’s face it, typically aloof felines probably won’t show up to the exam.

Scroll down to check out some of the most studious dogs on Twitter. Want to see more pawsonal assistants?  There’s a “Dogs Working From Home” Instagram account, dedicated to our furry coworkers.

Legal scholar and historian Marie-Amélie George asked her students to send photos of their dogs doing classwork, sparking a stream of photo replies.

Who knew dogs could be so studious!?

Maybe the “dog ate my homework” excuse is true in this case.

Even cats are pictured with their heads in books.

Related Articles:

The Hilarious “Dogs Working From Home” Instagram Account is Dedicated to Our Furry Coworkers

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