
Security Guard Takes Over Museum’s Twitter with Wholesome Tweets


Amid the coronavirus closures, people are having to take on new roles in order to keep their workplaces running as smoothly as possible. When the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City closed its doors to help stop the spread, they put Tim, their head of security, in charge of their Twitter account since he was still reporting for duty. And to the delight of the internet, Tim is shining in his new role; he’s entertaining us all through this challenging time with his wholesome tweets.

It’s clear that Tim was not prepared to take on the task of social media manager, but it’s this fact that has made his tweets all the more entertaining and heartwarming. The National Cowboy Museum timeline showcases Tim’s on-the-fly training. As can be seen on the account, it took some urging from his grandson to use hashtags and tips from his newfound fans on how to incorporate them into a tweet. “I need to use that pound sign from the phone,” Tim wrote in his a-ha moment. “I’m learning!” After mastering the hashtag, Tim was onto selfies—another concept that he wrangled with over a couple of messages.

If you enjoy dad jokes and could use some pure internet content nowadays, scroll down to read tweets that will put a smile on your face.

Tim, the head of security at the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City, is taking over its Twitter while it’s closed during the coronavirus.

Tim had never used Twitter before, and his endearing tweets show his on-the-fly training.

As Tim has learned the ins-and-outs of Twitter, he’s incorporating more of his wholesome dad jokes…

…and he’s even sharing his celebrity photos!

Thanks, Tim!

h/t: [Bored Panda, Boing Boing]

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