
Stunning Photo Highlights the Diverse Beauty of Foxes


You’re probably familiar with the common red fox, but did you know there are many other fox species around the world that have their own distinct shade of fur? Moscow-based photographer Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya decoded to capture the diverse beauty of the mystical forest creatures in a recent image, titled Autumn Equinox, featuring three women holding three different colored foxes.

From left to right, the stunning image showcases an all-white arctic fox, a red fox with a white-tipped tail, and a silver fox with a black/gray coat. The female models in the photo mirror the three foxes’ shades with their own hair color and contrasting clothing, highlighting the diversity found in both people and nature.

Dobrovolskaya admittedly loves “complex, elaborate images, beautiful dresses and accessories, shooting with animals.” Given her preference for shooting in nature, the talented photographer also captures the beauty of other animals, including swans, horses, and even grizzly bears. You might be wondering how Dobrovolskaya manages to tame the naturally-wild animals before photographing them, but many of her furry subjects were born and raised in protective national parks, where they are used to human contact.

Check out Dobrovolskaya’s beautiful photos below and find more from her portfolio on Instagram.

Moscow-based photographer Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya captures the diverse colors of foxes in her image, Autumn Equinox.

Her stunning photos visualize the connection between people and nature.

Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya: Website | Facebook | Instagram
h/t: [Reddit]

All images via Anastasiya Dobrovolskaya.

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