Think you have a quite marvelous Instagram account? All things considered, be prepared to be bested by Jannik Obenhoff, a 16-year-old picture taker whose pics will make you, sitting in the workplace,… verging.
As he says himself:
“You’ll perceive how wonderful nature can be, if u won’t go out and investigate”.
Jannik has filled his Instagram account with scene photography, once in a while blending individuals in the shot, now and again giving his group of onlookers the ethereal point of view with his automaton. The outcomes are first class, and in spite of the fact that he’s at the early phase of his vocation, he could as of now be contrasted with the works of an expert picture taker.
He began practicing this interest seriously when he was 13, and over a time of three years he’s now assembled, 200,000 devotees
More info: instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
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