The holidays put delivery drivers to the test—especially when it seems like everyone is ordering their gifts online. As we complete our shopping list with just a few clicks, we might not consider the people that have to haul all of those extra goodies to our door. Luckily, Kathy Ouma of Middletown, Delaware does. Every year she leaves a box of snacks, drinks, and a note thanking the hardworking drivers. And as it turns out, the drivers appreciate it in return.
In a heartwarming video posted by Ouma, she shares home security footage capturing the joy that Amazon delivery driver Karim Earl Reed III experienced as he came upon the bounty of sweet and salty snacks on her porch. “Oh, this is nice!” Reed declares. “Get out of here, this is sweet,” he says while sifting through the selection. After picking his treat and drink, he does a happy dance as he walks back to his truck.
Aside from yielding charming footage, Ouma’s selection of snacks is a great thing to emulate—especially as workers are delivering more packages than normal. It’s not expensive to make a basket full of these freebies, and as Ouma’s post shows, it can make someone’s day in a big way.
Kathy Ouma’s random act of kindness was leaving free snacks and a kind note on her porch…
… and Amazon delivery driver Karim Earl Reed III couldn’t help but celebrate!
h/t: [Thrillist]
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