
This 7-Part Video Series Takes you on a Tour of Vincent van Gogh’s Works


Vincent van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam

Photo: YouTube

The Van Gogh Museum touts the largest collection of artworks from Vincent van Gogh and it has now increased its already sizable virtual footprint with a seven-part video series taking the viewer on a private tour of parts of the museum’s collection. This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity helps you connect to Van Gogh’s artwork in a reverent setting accompanied by a rich musical score. Incredibly, you don’t even have to fight the crowds of museum-goers for a chance to spend an intimate time with his most popular works.

This video series follows a recent uptick in digital content focusing on Van Gogh’s life and work. The massive undertaking that was the 2017 film, Loving Vincent, which was animated with 65,000 paintings, and the 3D animation and modeling of his paintings by an Italian artist attests to the world’s continued fascination with the iconic figure.

Though the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam is currently closed due to coronavirus regulations, you can use this private tour to tide you over until the museum reopens.

Take a personal tour of Vincent van Gogh’s works with the Van Gogh Museum of Amsterdam’s seven-part virtual series.

You can get a close look at paintings like Van Gogh’s The Bedroom (1888) and many others during this extensive tour.

Van Gogh Museum: Website | Facebook | Instagram 
h/t: [Open Culture]

Related Links:

Cartoonist Illustrates the Remarkable Life of Vincent van Gogh in Colorful Comics

How Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’ Came to Be and Continues to Inspire Artists

Tracing Van Gogh’s Life Through 5 of His Most Significant Self-Portraits

Van Gogh Self-Portrait Through to Be a Fake for Decades Is Now Confirmed as Real


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