
“Hollywood In Real Life”: This Instagram Account Is Capturing The Locations Of Famous Hollywood Scenes

Steve Peterson has amassed nearly 250 photos of various Hollywood filming locations, capturing places both real and re-done from Hawaii to California movie lots. According to a post on Reddit, his trips started around three years ago while visiting the main shooting location for ABC’s mystery drama Lost. Since then, he’s traveled across land and sea to visit the real-life places that help bring some of our most memorable movie and TV scenes to life.

More info: Instagram (h/t: foodandwine)

Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, right now I got to tell you about the fabulous, most groovy…. 📷December2017 #BabyDriver #Atlanta #Georgia #EizaGonzalez #JonHamm #JonBernthal #EdgarWright #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Whatever doesn’t kill you, simply makes you… stranger 📷May2017 #TheDarkKnight #Chicago #Illinois #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #Batman #ChristopherNolan

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This house is so full of people it makes me sick! When I grow up and get married, I’m living alone! 📷May2017 #HomeAlone #Winnetka #Illinois #MacaulayCulkin #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #Christmas #MerryChristmas #ChristmasTradition #MerryChristmasYaFilthyAnimal

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Don’t worry, l called the cops already. l’m all set 📷October2017 #50FirstDates #KualoaRanch #Oahu #Hawaii #AdamSandler #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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On the top level we open up his relationship with his father, say “I will not follow in my fathers footsteps” 📷September2016 #Inception #LosAngeles #California #ChristopherNolan #KenWatanabe #JosephGordonLevitt #LeonardoDicaprio #EllenPage #TomHardy #DileepRao #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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OTHERS! OTHERS!! 📷October2017 #LOST #Northshore #Haleiwa #Oahu #Hawaii #AdewaleAkinnuoyeAgbaje #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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Any new girls on the street these days? A brunette? Maybe beat up? 📷September2016 #MulhollandDrive #PinksHotDogs #LosAngeles #California #MarkPellegrino #DavidLynch #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Will the REAL Batman please stand up? 📷November2017 #TheDarkKnight #Chicago #Illinois #GaryOldman #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #Batman #DCcomics

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Andys Apartment 📷September2016 #The40YearOldVirgin #StudioCity #California #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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🎵Who knows? Is this the start of something wonderful and new? Or one more dream that I cannot make true?🎵 📷September2016 #LaLaLand #GriffithObservatory #LosAngeles #California #EmmaStone #RyanGosling #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Hypothetically, scale of 1 to 10, how difficult would it be for someone to disappear? 📷November2017 #Ozark #BPPedestrianBridge #MilleniumPark #MaggieDaleyPark #Chicago #Illinois #JasonBateman #AllanEdwards #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation #Netflix

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Don’t be afraid. Just turn your mind off. Let it take effect 📷October2017 #LOST #KawelaBay #Oahu #Hawaii #NaveenAndrews #JoshHolloway #PatrickFischler #DougHutchison #EricLange #WilliamSanderson #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit? / Why are you wearing that stupid man suit? 📷September2016 #DonnieDarko #AeroTheater #SantaMonica #California #JakeGyllenhaal #JennaMalone #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Guys…. where are we? 📷September2014 #LOST #KualoaRanch #Oahu #Hawaii #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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Paulsen’s Funeral Parlor. The next show is at four. One night only. She’s buried in the morning 📷September2001 #Clerks #PostensFuneralHome #Leonardo #RedBank #NewJersey #BrianOHalloran #JeffAnderson #KevinSmith #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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This one time, at band camp… 📷September2016 #AmericanPie #LongBeach #California #JasonBiggs #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Maybe the voice isn’t Diane Selwyn. Maybe that’s your roommate, or if it is Diane Selwyn, she can tell you who you are 📷September2016 #MulhollandDrive #LosAngeles #California #NaomiWatts #LauraHarring #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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I went to the surface and I collected specimens like I was told… I mashed the spider, didn’t I? 📷June2016 #12Monkeys #PhiladelphiaCityHall #Philadelphia #Pennsylvania #BruceWillis #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Why would you put a train course in the middle of a downtown intersection? 📷September2016 #Inception #LosAngeles #California #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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One, two, Freddy’s coming for you… 📷September2016 #ANightmareOnElmStreet #LosAngeles #California #FreddyKrueger #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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What lies in the shadow of the statue? Ille qui nos omnes servabit. 📷September2014 #LOST #MakuaBeach #Oahu #Hawaii #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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By the time we hit turbulence, we were a thousand miles off course… they’re looking for us in the wrong place 📷September2014 #LOST #MokuleiaBeach #Oahu #Hawaii #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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Dexter’s Apartment 📷February2011 #Dexter #BayHarborClubCondos #Miami #Florida #Dexter #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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No, no, I’m not trying to release it. I’m trying to… I’m trying to render it inert. Juliet, I just want to make it safe 📷September2014 #LOST #KualoaRanch #Oahu #Hawaii #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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Yippee ki yay, mudda fuck 📷September2016 #DieHard #FoxPlaza #LosAngeles #California #BruceWillis #AlanRickman #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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All right, the boogeyman can only come out on Halloween night, right? Well, I’m here tonight and I’m not about to let anything happen to you 📷September2016 #Halloween #LosAngeles #California #JohnCarpenter #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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It’s the eye of the tiger, it’s the thrill of the fight 📷June2016 #Rocky #PhiladelphiaMuseumOfArt #Philadelphia #Pennsylvania #SylvesterStallone #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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They got a cherry pie there that’ll kill ya! (And damn fine coffee) 📷October2008 #TwinPeaks #FireWalkWithMe #TwedesCafe #Snoqualmie #Washington #Movies #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #TVLocation #MovieLocation #TVLocations

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You want your ball back? Go get it, ha ha! 📷September2016 #BackToTheFuture2 #Pasadena #California #ThomasWilson #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit. For those ten seconds or less, I’m free. 📷September2016 #TheFastAndTheFurious #LosAngeles #California #VinDiesel #PaulWalker #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #TheFateOfTheFurious #Fast8 #Furious8 #FastAndFurious8

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The man thinks he’s telling the truth and everything he says is just a fucking lie! Everything he says! Everyone think he’s so rad. He’s such a fucking chud. 📷September2016 #DonnieDarko #LongBeach #California #JakeGyllenhaal #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Smokin weed, smokin whizz, doin coke drinkin beers, drinkin beers beers beers. Rollin fatties, smokin blunts. Whos smokes the blunts? We smoke the blunts! 📷September2001 #JayAndSilentBobStrikeBack #Clerks #QuickStop #RSTVideo #Leonardo #RedBank #NewJersey #KevinSmith #JasonMewes #JayAndSilentBob #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #420 #Happy420

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I don’t know who he is. But he’s burned, he wears a weird hat, a red and yellow sweater, real dirty, and he uses some sort of knifes he’s got made into a sort of… glove. Like giant fingernails. 📷September2016 #ANightmareOnElmStreet #EvergreenCemetery #LosAngeles #California #HeatherLangenkamp #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Bye-bye, Jenny. They sendin’ me to Vietnam. It’s this whole other country 📷December2016 #ForrestGump #LovesSeafoodRestaurant #Savannah #Georgia #TomHanks #RobinWright #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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What’s the world coming to when a guy’s got to crash his own party? 📷September2016 #Ironman #DisneyConcertHall #LosAngeles #California #RobertDowneyJr #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #MarvelCinematicUniverse #MCU

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It is a message. It is an inspiration. It is a source of beauty. And without paper, it could not have happened… unless, you had a camera 📷September2016 #TheOffice #ChandlerValleyCenterStudios #VanNuys #California #actors #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #TVLocations #TVLocation

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What all they took was some Halloween masks, a rope and a couple of knives. Who do you think it was? 📷September2016 #Halloween #Pasadena #California #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Diane, 6:18 AM, room 315, Great Northern Hotel up here in Twin Peaks. Slept pretty well 📷October2008 #TwinPeaks #TheSalishLodgeAndSpa #SnoqualmieFalls #Snoqualmie #Washington #DavidLynch #Movies #TV #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #TVLocation #TVLocations #IllSeeYouAgainIn25Years #ItsHappeningAgain

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they start out that I’m in here, but it’s not day or night. It’s kinda half night, but it looks just like this, except for the light, but I’m scared like I can’t tell ya… 📷September2016 #MulhollandDr #Gardena #California #PatrickFischler #DavidLynch #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Well, after X-Men hit at the box office, all the studios started buying up every comic property they could get their hands on. Miramax optioned Bluntman and Chronic 📷September2001 #JayAndSilentBobStrikeBack #JayAndSilentBobsSecretStash #RedBank #NewJersey #KevinSmith #JasonMewes #JasonLee #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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He’s a peeping tom! 📷September2016 #BackToTheFuture #Pasadena #California #CrispinGlover #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates 📷December2016 #ForrestGump #ChippewaSquare #Savannah #Georgia #TomHanks #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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I think this guy’s a couple of cans short of a six-pack 📷September2016 #TheTerminator #GriffithObservatory #LosAngeles #California #ArnoldSchwazenegger #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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l just wanna eat you up. Tomorrow and the next day, and the next day, and the next day… 📷October2017 #50FirstDates #HalonaBeachCove #Oahu #Hawaii #AdamSandler #DrewBarrymore #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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The vibrations Jack up their circuits. Snipers, shoot for their eyes, your target is up on top of that building, that cupola 📷May2017 #Transformers #DarkOfTheMoon #Chicago #Illinois #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation

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…You were standing on your toilet and you were hanging a clock, and you fell and you hit your head on the sink. And that’s when you came up with the idea for the flux capacitor 📷September2016 #BackToTheFuture #GambleHouse #Pasadena #California #MichaelJFox #ChristopherLloyd #Movies #FilmingLocations #FilmingLocation #MovieLocations #MovieLocation #InventionOfTimeTravelDay

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