
25 Year Old British Man Dresses As A 19th Century Regency Gentleman In Bespoke Clothing He Designs


25 year old Zack MacLeod Pinsent of Pinset Tailoring in Brighton, U.K. is a very dapper young man who dresses as if he were a Regency gentleman from the 19th century. Pinset told the BBC that this clothing is far more comfortable for him and builds his confidence more than modern clothing ever did. In fact, he burned his last pair of jeans as a teenager.

The overwhelmingly positive response to his distinctive style led him to open a tailoring shop where he makes bespoke 19th-century clothing for both men and women that are “crafted with historical accuracy”

Here at Pinsent Tailoring we strive for Historical Accuracy in all we do, using fabrics available at the time of your desired garment and using drafting and pattern techniques from original sources and garments to get as close to history as possible. We also aim to make you the best ‘you’ you can be, helping you build confidence and expressing your individuality. feeling good and looking good too.

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Written by viralbandit

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