
A Liverpool-Based Artist Makes Beautiful Cutting Boards Out Of Wood & Resin, Inspired By The Varying Landscapes


Kate Chesters’ work is inspired by the varying landscapes that she has seen as she slowly travels the world. Many of her pieces are influenced by the dramatic scenery in Reykjavik, Iceland, and the swirling rapids of the Niagara Falls. She has original artwork, wall art prints, mini canvases, resin decorated artisan boards, placemats & coasters, and greeting cards available in her shop.

“I make abstract seascape and landscape artworks using acrylic paint and resin. The sky and light have always fascinated me. The different tonal and mood effects that light has on nature is of great inspiration to my work. It is my aim to capture the essence and awe-inspiring emotion that a dramatic landscape evokes,” she says.

More: Kate Chesters, Facebook, Shop


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A Reflective, Floating Art Studio In Paradise Valley

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