
A Look Back at Charles Schridde’s Stunning ‘60s Ads For Motorola


Charles Schridde was born in 1926 and grew up in rural Illinois. He was an artist from an early age and acquired a scholarship to the Chicago Artwork Institute when he was age 17.

He commenced at the institute, but was then enlisted in the Navy for two years. When he returned from the Navy, Charles started his career as a free of charge-lance commercial illustrator. His key consumers incorporated The Saturday Night Submit, Existence magazine, Motorola and Chevrolet.


In 1961, Motorola asked Charles Schridde to imagine the houses of the long run centered all around Motorola’s most new line of electronics. The ads developed by Schridde ran in Lifetime Magazine and The Saturday Evening Article from 1961 to 1963 and depicted an optimistic long term designed of lavish, elegant, desire-residences, where domestic technologies and serene landscapes coexisted harmoniously.

By means of his gorgeous drawings, we have been offered a intriguing glimpse of what the previous thought the potential would be like, and how household technological know-how companies capitalized on their consumers’ minds by swaying them in the direction that these digital products ended up applicable to that supreme long term.

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Written by viralbandit

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