
Amazing Photos of the 1988 Pontiac Banshee IV Concept » Design You Trust


1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 1 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 1

In the twilight of 1988, Pontiac unveiled some thing almost legendary – the Banshee. This wasn’t just another auto it was a tantalizing glimpse into the adrenaline-charged future of vehicles. A blast from the past, the Banshee moniker whispered strategies from the 60s when it covertly tagged the before long-to-debut ’67 Pontiac Firebird, the amazing cousin of the ’67 Chevrolet Camaro.


1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 2 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 2

Getting a cue from folklore, the Banshee bore the title of the ethereal wailing spirit foretelling fates. And oh, did this machine scream on the roadways! A beastly 4.-liter V-8 heart throbbed within, belting out a fierce 230 horsepower, all harnessed to a 5-speed guide transmission that promised the thrill of a life time with each start.

1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 3 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 3

With a modern fiberglass exterior and a tubular frame, the Banshee preserved a lower centre of gravity, optimizing aerodynamics with its seamless glass style. Features of the Banshee’s design, notably the uniquely positioned twin nostrils and the spade-like front, were being echoed in the 1993 Firebird.

1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 4 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 4
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 5 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 5
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 6 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 6
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 7 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 7
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 8 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 8
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 9 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 9
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 10 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 10
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 11 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 11
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 12 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 12
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 13 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 13
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 14 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 14
1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 15 1988 Pontiac Banshee Iv 15

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Written by viralbandit

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