
Andria Darius Pancrazi Captures The Pastel Romance Of A French Summer


French photographer Andria Darius Pancrazi shoots the blue, pink, and purple hues of buildings and skies in Corsica, France.

Pancrazi grew up in Corsica, which is a Mediterranean island located southwest of France’s mainland. Corsica is known for its small coastal villages, which Pancrazi says are always half-asleep in the heat. In true European style, however, just before night falls Corsica comes alive again. “The world turns pink for a while…It feels like walking in a dream”, explains the photographer of his summer memories in his hometown. Pancrazi attempts to convey that romantic and illusory feeling through his work: “I like my photos to be as disembodied and abstract as possible, to accentuate that feeling of oddness and otherworldliness”, he explains. Pancrazi professes that his style is influenced by pastel ’80s aesthetics and David Lynch movies—in particular, the cinematography of Mulholland Drive. A fondness of pastel colors gives an unofficial explanation to his Instagram biography too, which begins with the word, ‘softserve’.

All images © Andria Darius Pancrazi


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