
Artist Reimagines Everyday Objects As Spectacular Spaceship Designs


Software engineer by day and digital artist by night, Eric Geusz works around the clock to produce his impressive artwork. From a Potato Spaceship inspired by the shape of a potato peeler, to a Tong Crane Ship inspired by—you guessed it—a pair of kitchen tongs, the artist’s work is not only incredibly imaginative, but bursting with detail.

“I have always had a huge passion for drawing and designing things since my childhood days of hot glue and legos. I have a degree in Computer Science with a minor in film and digital media and I have formal training in 3D, Animation and Compositing.

Although I am a software engineer by day, by night I am a freelance digital artist, always working, and pushing myself to improve. I consider myself a generalist, although I have been moving more into illustration and concept art recently.” says Geusz.

More: Artstation, Instagram h/t: mymodernmet

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Written by viralbandit

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