
Futuristic and Retro, Hyundai Transforms First-Generation 1975 Pony with Electric Powertrain


Designers at Hyundai current a celebration of the two the company’s heritage and long run-imagining ethos with an electric powered transformation of its 1975 Pony.

The a single-off layout concept is the outcome of the meticulous disassembling of an primary, to start with era automobile. The crew then launched an ev powertrain alongside with modern headlights, taillights, and even nixie-tube instrumentation alongside the inside.

The operate arrives in time for the start of the company’s new consumer heart studio in Busan, Korea where by the modified car or truck is now on display screen.

h/t: designboom

The electrical transformation of the first 1975 Pony was led by Hyundai‘s interior Chief Designer Hak Soo Ha, who shared its completion on his Instagram.

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Written by viralbandit

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