
Glamorous Photos Of Marilyn Monroe Photographed By Ed Clark In 1950


Born 1911 in Nashville, Tennessee, American photographer Ed Clark worked primarily for Life magazine. His best remembered work captured a weeping Graham W. Jackson, Sr. playing his accordion as the body of the recently deceased President Franklin D. Roosevelt was being transported to Washington, DC.


Clark was the only photographer invited to the wedding reception of Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Around 1950, a friend told him of a “hot tomato” who had just signed with Twentieth Century-Fox. He took a series of pictures of a then unknown Marilyn Monroe which were not published at the time; much later, they came to light during a search of Life’s archives.

Clark died in 2000 in Sarasota, Florida, at the age of 88.

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Written by viralbandit

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